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About Us

Free Career Guidance by experienced professionals

FMC provides free academic and financial counseling in order to help them afford for future education and create an international career plan for a variety of universities across the world. In addition, we deliver information electronically and manually.

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What can I expect?

Your Career counselor will:

Weve been counselling students for educational Opportun in Foreign countries.

With a community of over 400 million users (and a majority age group being 18 to 29), wouldn’t you want to make sure you’re monitoring what people are posting on social networks?

  • Assist you in determining your identity and the goals you have for your life, work, and education.
  • Be someone you can talk to about your ideas, feelings, and worries about your job and educational options. This person should be able to assist you sift through your emotions and put them in order and make sense of them.
  • Help you examine your interests, skills, and values as well as the elements that influence your professional progress.
  • Assist you in finding resources and sources of information about careers.
  • Assist you in creating a plan to reach your objectives and deciding on your future steps.

Empowering people to be involved in potential discussion in consultation sessions.

Career Mentor

FMC offers Free and Confidential Job Discussions about what motivates, energizes, and de-energizes you, your values, your lifestyle and family aspirations, your thirst for travel, and career advancement. We’re here to give you the tools you need to select the ideal setting for your family. We are more unified when we work together.

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Trusted Clients

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Fulfill Potential

FMC is based on relationships with corporate decision-makers, so we may communicate with them directly to discuss your circumstance. You gain the following advantages from doing this:

  • More power – By submitting an application to a company, you are effectively expressing your desire to work there. Our strategy is to emphasize that you are content right where you are, that you aren't actively looking, but that you would be interesting in getting in touch with them in the future to learn more about what a career with them might entail. You aren't failing anyone if you begin on these terms and choose to remain where you are.
  • More truthful criticism – Employers provide us with the "genuine" criticism, and we are here to help you learn and grow.
  • Less hassle: We coordinate the process, follow up on meetings, get feedback, and negotiate offers.
  • Discuss how different options fit your values, ethics, and goals with an experienced "sounding board".

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